Manufactured goods
The International Trade Centre (ITC) focuses on specific manufacturing sectors which have the potential to accelerate the competitiveness of micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSME), particularly in the areas of textile and clothing and crafts. We help enterprises and organizations to move beyond simple production by adding value at each step of the manufacturing process, improving their sustainability compliance and in tapping into the growth potential of manufacturing globally.
Value chains in manufactured sectors include many stakeholders, each of which should capture some part of the value added. Yet, in developing countries a lack of coordination along the value chain leads to inefficiency and waste, disproportionately affecting small producers.
Our technical assistance projects focus on guiding producers, suppliers, buyers and other value chain stakeholders through market orientation and a sector development planning approach that emphasizes market-pull instead of supply-push. We then provide technical assistance inputs, coaching and mentoring to help sector stakeholders comply with market requirements such as design, performance, delivery and documentation. We also facilitate linkages to new markets and buyers.