The ITC online library is a specialized information resource focusing on international trade
The ITC e-library includes references and links to books, magazines, ITC publications, external resources and a catalogue of trade-related websites (collected since 1996.) We provide external users with contact links for paid resources for reference purposes.
Another key service is our inquiry/reply service to business support organizations, providing recommendations for collection building or assistance with specific research requests. Please contact us at the address below for trade information queries or any other questions on the library collection.
Did you know?
In the early years of the International Trade Centre, our library staff travelled the world helping business support institutions to set up information centres. They shared not just their own expertise, but that of specialists working in ITC, who collaborated in building-up the library collection.
We are now pleased to share these resources with you directly through our e-library portal. The collaborative aspect continues to this day and most of our resources are selected by ITC experts in their field who help us develop a collection in line with topical issues and areas of specialization.