Market Price Information

    The International Trade Centre’s Market Price Information portal is our response to a growing need among micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and small-scale farmers for access to up-to-date price information in developing countries.


    By providing free timely information on prices, the Market Price Information portal will strengthen the ability of MSMEs to anticipate shifting trends in international markets and make effective decisions.

    The Market Price Information portal helps businesses become more competitive, makes it easier for them to connect to global markets, and helps them grow.


    What sectors are covered by the Market Price Information tool?


    The online database provides access to live updates and prices for more than 300 agricultural products in the following sectors:

    • Agricultural Soft Commodities
    • Culinary Spices and Herbs
    • Dairy
    • Livestock
    • Fish and Seafood
    • Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
    • Grains and Pulses
    • Ornamental Plants
    • Oilseeds, Oils nuts and Fats


    The Market Price information is part of the ITC Market Analysis tools suite.