Production operations
ITC’s Continuous Improvement programme helps micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) build efficient production operations that generate massive efficiencies, substantial performance improvements, and directly impact the company’s bottom line. We support the adoption of best practices, new and more environmentally friendly production technologies, and help managers understand the strategic importance of production operations.
Designed for business owners and managers, the Continuous Improvement programme seeks to:
Help you understand and apply the fundamentals of a Continuous Improvement System that looks at the company’s processes, people, and performance;
Train and coach you on how to custom design, implement and manage a Continuous Improvement System;
Build commitment and focus on achieving the company’s goals and vision;
Change corporate culture by empowering employees and making them agents of change.
The programme consists of a step-by-step methodology that targets processes of any kind and that can easily be applied at all types of businesses. While the focus of the programme is on production operations, the methodology is flexible enough to be used in logistics, marketing, finance and any area of the business where processes are being implemented.
Depending on the depth of the intervention, and the time and resources available, the programme will target very ambitious objectives requiring deep process changes within the company, or identify and implement quick fixes using the appropriate tools
The programme is implemented in four phases, during which businesses receive training on tools and methodologies, processes in need of improvement are identified, goal-oriented strategies are developed and results are evaluated.