Our page showcases ITC’s funding sources which is enabled by two streams of funding: the Regular Budget (RB) and Extrabudgetary funding (XB).
The RB consists of assessed contributions from member states and is approved by the United Nations (UN) and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
XB funds complement RB funds and are voluntary contributions made to the ITC Trust Fund (ITF), often covering multi-year periods. There are two categories of XB, known as windows:
- Window I (W1) consist of un-earmarked and softly earmarked core voluntary contributions that ITC can invest in its trade and development priorities across its core services and impact areas, develop global public goods and invest in innovation to ensure ITC can respond to its client needs.
- Window II (W2) is composed of hard-earmarked voluntary contributions allocated for specific projects within specific geographies and for a specific group of beneficiaries.
*Note: The XB funding data displayed here is provisional and does not reflect ITC’s official records. It is pending final work to enhance data accuracy. Please refer to the CCITF reports for official funding information.