Investment policy
Investments, including foreign direct investment (FDI), are key to promoting economic growth, job creation, productivity, knowledge and technology transfer and integration into the global value chains.
A conducive business environment is one where investors can invest easily and at lower cost and risk. Creating such an environment requires strong policies, laws, and investment related structures and institutions.
ITC supports governments to enhance investment facilitation and promotion efforts to increase domestic investment flows, attract FDI, increase investment’s contribution to the economy, and foster sustainable investment.
ITC provides policy advisory services, strengthens the capacity of the public and private sectors and facilitates public-private dialogues (PPDs) to support negotiation on investment treaties, promotion, facilitation and regulatory reform.
Facilitating investment for development
ITC supports negotiations on a multilateral framework on Investment Facilitation for Development at the World Trade Organization (WTO).
ITC’s joint project with the German Development Institute (DIE) on Investment Facilitation for Development provides capacity building for policymakers, channels ground-level perspectives and analytical expertise to negotiators and promotes inclusive discussions of issues related to investment facilitation for development.
Negotiating and implementing investment treaties
Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs), and increasingly Free Trade Agreements, contain dedicated sections on investment. Countries should be able to negotiate bilateral, regional, and international investment treaties to ensure these treaties contribute to their development objectives.
ITC provides support to countries by:
- Facilitating the informed participation of stakeholders through training negotiators, regulators and private sector representatives;
- Developing technical briefs for public and private sector stakeholders on various thematic areas related to investment;
- Supporting the implementation of commitments agreed under the various investment treaties and agreements by developing, updating, and reviewing laws and legislations;
- Engaging with the private sector to assist them in policy advocacy.
Promoting investments
Effective investment promotion can help developing countries attract foreign and domestic investment, especially in the strategic sectors. ITC provides support to countries to promote and attract investments through the:
- Development of national and regional sector specific investment profiles and guides;
- Promotion of profiles and guides, including during networking sessions with potential investors;
- Strengthening the capacity of Investment Promotion Authorities (IPAs) and supporting investors through investment processes;
- Facilitating the design of investment promotion strategies.