Funders & partners
Discover how ITC’s network of funders and partners helps empower inclusive and sustainable small business entrepreneurs around the world.
ITC’s funders and partners share our belief that the economic empowerment of sustainable and inclusive small businesses can change the world. Together, we promote trade to create jobs, reduce poverty and support peace.
Our funders include governments, bilateral and multilateral partners, UN joint programmes and pooled funds, foundations and businesses. We will continue to engage with our traditional funders while exploring ways to cooperate with new ones.
Our UN partners include the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). But we also work with the private sector and non-profit organizations, including financial contributors, investors, innovators, providers of market-based solutions, suppliers in the digital transformation sector and knowledge partners.
Our funders provide us with the resources to carry out our trade-for-good work around the developing world. Our partners include multilateral and bilateral development agencies and an increasingly diverse range of public and private sector entities. See our funding information and partnerships for purpose.
Our funders and partners are critical to the success of ITC’s work and we constantly strive to deepen our existing relationships and develop new ones. We work with regional, national and local partners, we also partner with academic institutions and think tanks on research and data gathering to solve trade and development challenges.
We are looking at maintaining our funding level for 2022 at US$140 million and growing at a moderate rate thereafter.
We consistently explore options for cooperation with new funders interested in supporting our work and changing approaches to how development finance is provided. We seek to sustain and grow financial contributions from additional public and private sector partners, including governments, bilateral and multilateral partners, UN joint programmes and pooled funds, foundations and businesses, and through innovative in-kind contribution arrangements.
ITC strives to be a transparent organization in line with United Nations standards. Every year we publish an annual report that is made public. All our governance documents are also available.