Evaluations are systematic and independent assessments of our work. They provide us with evidence to guide our decision-making and ways of working.
Evaluations guide our ways of working and the future implementation of our projects by showing us what results are being achieved, what works well and what could be improved. By doing so, evaluations enable organizational learning, support evidence-based decision-making and provide accountability on the organization’s performance.
ITC’s Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) conducts and supports evaluations in ITC and ensures that they meet recognized professional standards. Every year, the unit compiles an Annual Evaluation Work Programme that identifies the assessments and evaluations to be carried out, based on consultations with ITC management, staff and other stakeholders and a set of strategic criteria.
In line with good practice, all completed evaluations are published, as well as annual synthesis reports that summarize a year's evaluations and can be devoted to a selected thematic focus.
ITC publishes all completed evaluations as well as an annual synthesis report that is summarizing a year's evaluations or devoted to a selected thematic focus. You can also find external evaluations of ITC here below.
- Final Evaluation of the Systematic Mechanism for Safer Trade (SYMST) Project
- Midterm Evaluation of Linking Ukrainian SMEs in the Fruit and Vegetables Sectors to Global and Domestic Markets and Value Chains Phase II
- Synthesis Note: ITC Sustainability Reviews of ITC Projects - lessons 2021-2023
- Evaluation of the UKTP Programme
- UKTP Evaluation - Management Response
- Final Evaluation of the Project "Colombia PUEDE"
- Sustainability Review of the ITC programme “Trade Development Strategies”
- Evaluation of the ITC SheTrades Initiative
- Midterm Evaluation of the ITC MENATEX Programme
- Management Response 'Midterm Evaluation of the MENATEX Programme'
- Evaluation of the Netherlands Trust Fund IV - Export Sector Competitiveness Programme
- Evaluation of the Netherlands Trust Fund IV - Export Sector Competitiveness Programme - Annexes
- Evaluation of the Netherlands Trust Fund IV – Export Sector Competitiveness Programme (management response)
- Evaluation of ITC’s Performance in Trade and Market Information
- Evaluation of ITC’s Performance in Trade and Market Information (management response)
- Sustainability review of the ITC project ‘Integration of horticulture supply/value chains into tourism, Tanzania’
- Sustainability review of the ITC project ‘Improving the competitiveness of Senegalese mangos’
- Evaluation of the ITC Programme ‘Strengthening Trade and Investment Support Institutions’
- Evaluation of the ITC Programme ‘Strengthening Trade and Investment Support Institutions’ (management response)
- Evaluation of the ITC Participation and Performance in the UN Delivering as One System
- Evaluation of the ITC Participation and Performance in the UN Delivering as One System (annexes)
- Evaluation of the ITC Participation and Performance in the UN Delivering as One System (management response)
- Midterm Evaluation of the Youth Empowerment Project in The Gambia
- Evaluation of the ITC Trade Facilitation Programme
- Evaluation of the ITC Trade Facilitation Programme (management response)
- Evaluation of the ITC Trade Facilitation Programme (communication note)
- Evaluation of the Certified Trade Advisers Programme (CTAP)
- Evaluation of the Non-tariff Measures Programme
- Evaluation of the Non-tariff Measures Programme (annexes)
- Evaluation of the Non-tariff Measures Programme (management response)
- Evaluation of the Non-tariff Measures Programme (communication note)
- Evaluation of the Pashmina Enhancement and Trade Support (PETS) Project
- Evaluation of the Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) Project
- Evaluation of the Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) Project (communication note)
- Evaluation of the Lesotho Horticulture Productivity and Trade Development Project
- Evaluation of Promoting Intra-Regional Trade in Eastern Africa
- Evaluation of the Women and Trade Programme, Phase I
- Evaluation of The Netherlands Trust Fund II Programme, Uganda and Bangladesh Projects
- Evaluation of Sector Competitiveness & Export Diversification in The Gambia
- Evaluation of the Pashmina Enhancement and Trade Support (PETS) project, Nepal
- Evaluation of the Horticulture Productivity and Trade Development Project in Lesotho
- Evaluation of the Trade, Climate Change and Environment Programme
- Evaluation of the Poor Communities and Trade Programme
- Evaluation of the Netherlands Trust Fund II Programme
- Evaluation of the ITC Export Strategy Function
- Evaluation of the Trade, Climate Change and Environment Programme
- Evaluation of the World Export Development Forum
- Evaluation of 'Enhancing Arab Capacity for Trade (EnACT)'
- Evaluation of the expansion of intra- and inter-regional trade between the member states of CEMAC, WAEMU and the Mekong Francophone countries
- Evaluation of the Cambodia Sector-Wide Silk Project
- Evaluation of the Programme for Building African Capacity for Trade
- Evaluation of the World Bank Support Programme 'Trade Data for Low Income Countries'
- Evaluation of the Netherlands Trust Fund Programme
- Evaluation of the Netherlands Trust Fund Programme (recommendations)
The Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report (AESR) summarizes key findings and emerging issues from the review of selected evaluations conducted by ITC and funders. It is often dedicated to a selected thematic focus. Each year, the AESR is presented to ITC's Joint Advisory Group (JAG). You can read them below.
- 2024 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report
- 2023 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report
- 2022 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report
- 2022 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report (management response)
- 2021 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report
- 2021 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report (management response)
- 2020 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report
- 2020 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report (management response)
- Utility of Evaluation in ITC. A complementary analysis to the 2020 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report
- 2019 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report
- 2018 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report
- 2017 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report
The evaluation was conducted by the Inspection and Evaluation Division of the United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS). It sought to assess the relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency of ITC in relation to its objectives, and covered the period 2006 to 2014.
In 2012, ITC and its funders decided to conduct an external evaluation of ITC. The rationale for such an evaluation was to track progress made by ITC since the last external evaluation in 2006, with a view to enhancing ITC's ability to deliver on its mandate.
In 2003, the Joint Advisory Group (JAG) of ITC endorsed a Danish proposal to undertake a joint evaluation of the organization. The Evaluation used four interconnected modalities for analysis: an evaluation of ITC performance and comparative advantage at the field level; an evaluation of ITC products and technical competencies; an organizational evaluation, with studies on corporate performance; and an assessment of the global context for trade and development.
- Consultancy Vacancy: Baseline study of ITC project (EU-EAC MARKUP II)