Living with the Genie – Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation for Small Businesses in Trade

Like a genie trapped in a bottle, information was once contained in books and tightly controlled by newspapers. Then the Internet was launched 50 years ago as a way for government researchers to share information – 534 years after Gutenberg created his printing press. Now, with the latest wave of AI-generated tools, anyone can publish their ideas, opinions, and experiences. AI as a force in business has been unleashed, and it is changing how we work and what we read.
This is the launch of a new ITC report called `Living with the Genie – Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation for Small Businesses in Trade`. Authors, contributors and external guests explore the promise and perils of AI tools when creating content in the workplace.
The launch is taking place on Thursday, 14 March at 15:30 at the International Trade Centre, 54-56 rue de Montbrillant in Geneva and will be followed by an apéro. The event will also be available online.
For attendance in person, kindly register here . For online participation, kindly register following this link.