GreenToCompete Hubs



    The ITC T4SD Hubs act as a one-stop shop offering integrated sustainability solutions supporting SMEs to transition to a green economy. The T4SD Hubs are a 5 year project implemented in 7 countries/regions: the Caribbean, Ghana, Kenya, Laos, Nepal, Peru and Viet Nam. 

    The offering of the T4SD Hubs is structured around 5 thematic areas under which awareness raising workshops, e-learnings and customized coaching programmes are offered to build the business case for implementing sustainable business practices: 

    These thematic areas include:

    • Compliance with Voluntary Sustainability Standards 
    • Resource efficiency and circular production 
    • Climate resilience 
    • Positioning sustainable products in the international market 
    • Access to green finance 

    Besides the piloting of the service offering to built the necessary technical capacity, the T4SD Hub team supports the T4SD Hub hosts in building the needed management capacity and structures to roll out the service offering.


    Sustainable Development Goals

    This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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