Business, trade and market intelligence: Artificial Intelligence



    ChatGPT has brought AI technologies to popular attention in late 2022/early 2023. Generative AI is disrupting the landscape in a similar way that computers and the internet did. These recent developments validate ITC’s decision to invest in AI in the past two years, which has given the organization a head start compared to other TRTA providers.

    In a world where text data are growing exponentially, being able to automatically mine it for relevant insights and leverage it to develop innovative AI services can provide a competitive edge to the organisation.

    This C121 project started in 2022, and builds on the small C080 project developed in 2021. Building on the successful model of Trady, it will (1) continue to develop TradeAI – an AI-powered trade policy advisory tool that pinpoints policy-relevant solutions to trade-related problems, (2) disseminate ITC’s work on AI and seek partnerships to scale it, and (3) develop a concept for a TradeAI app focusing on SMEs, as the tool was developed with an initial focus on policymakers.


    Sustainable Development Goals

    This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    ITC contact

    Amurgo Pacheco
    amurgo [at]